Andrew Culture:
Our new plot, kindly mown by the coucil!
Andrew Culture:
Jules' Shed
Andrew Culture:
Our new allotment friend
Andrew Culture:
Our plot after the fire
Andrew Culture:
Sensible shed base
Andrew Culture:
Getting creative with the shed base
Andrew Culture:
A strawberry patch is born
Andrew Culture:
The most unplesant thing I've ever had to do with a hangover
Andrew Culture:
Em let me play with the big boys toys!
Andrew Culture:
A minor digging obstacle
Andrew Culture:
Ladies start your engines
Andrew Culture:
Naughty but cute
Andrew Culture:
The end of another day at the allotment
Andrew Culture:
We finally have a lawnmower!
Andrew Culture:
Intercity Train + Wife + Wellys = Allotment TTV
Andrew Culture:
Nuts to digging!
Andrew Culture:
Wife & New Love (lawnmower)
Andrew Culture:
TTV Striming
Andrew Culture:
My New Castle
Andrew Culture:
Preparing for the greenhouse
Andrew Culture:
Mass production, Laws style!
Andrew Culture:
Hmmm, chutney in progress
Andrew Culture:
Chutney bombs
Andrew Culture:
Christmas industry!
Andrew Culture:
Proud owners of a second hand greenhouse!
Andrew Culture:
Blackberry wine, six months in the making!
Andrew Culture:
Gardening at night
Andrew Culture:
A Chafer Bug found on our allotment on 10-10-10