Lawrence R Dunn: heart of the Heart Nebula IC 1805 aka Melotte 15 narrow band hubble palette SIIHaOIII by Lawrence Dunn
Lawrence R Dunn: 20120724 Milky Way into Sea off Isle of Wight by Lawrence Dunn
Lawrence R Dunn: Milky Way into sea 3
Lawrence R Dunn: Imaging the Milky Way by Lawrence Dunn
Lawrence R Dunn: 20120907 - widefield Cygnus - TH b
Lawrence R Dunn: Heart of the Heart Nebula IC 1805 / Melotte 15 Hubble Palette SIIHaOIII By Lawrence Dunn
Lawrence R Dunn: 20120930 - M42 HaOIIISII reprocessed 20130108 v5b
Lawrence R Dunn: M16 Ha Deconvolved & Processed
Lawrence R Dunn: 20130820 - M16 - Combined all
Lawrence R Dunn: M27 1200 Max and PS
Lawrence R Dunn: G2V in Pelican colour balanced with extinction
Lawrence R Dunn: 27th nov 2011 5 PP3 PS1S
Lawrence R Dunn: Me and Transit
Lawrence R Dunn: Heart double Cassi widefield process
Lawrence R Dunn: 6 frame stack 32 rat process attempt 1 full
Lawrence R Dunn: MW Landscape 2048
Lawrence R Dunn: Final Stack S2 O3 switch 3 full res 5