Lawlesco: Justinia at breakfast
Lawlesco: Scott at breakfast
Lawlesco: Dan at breakfast
Lawlesco: Justinia and Scott at breakfast
Lawlesco: Pepperpot - a still life study by Dan
Lawlesco: Justinia and Pig
Lawlesco: Dan and Pig
Lawlesco: Scott and Pig
Lawlesco: Justinia and the Flying Pig
Lawlesco: Dan manhandles the Flying PIg
Lawlesco: Expo Scott
Lawlesco: Expo Dan
Lawlesco: Dan's on a swag hunt at the Expo
Lawlesco: Art Deco Roof
Lawlesco: Bengal Stadium
Lawlesco: Our lovely hotel, with nice outdoor pool
Lawlesco: Bank
Lawlesco: Dan and Stin overlook Cincinnati
Lawlesco: I wouldn't trust this bank to balance my account...
Lawlesco: Yellow Bridge
Lawlesco: Blue Bridge
Lawlesco: Deco museum
Lawlesco: Football field
Lawlesco: Court
Lawlesco: Art Deco
Lawlesco: Roof deck
Lawlesco: Ohio River
Lawlesco: Rooftop pool
Lawlesco: Steel Eagle
Lawlesco: Justina