Lawdeda ❤: Packaged oh so cute <3
Lawdeda ❤: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrr
Lawdeda ❤: Stalker
Lawdeda ❤: Now I understand why she would growl at me
Lawdeda ❤: Grrrrrrrrrr
Lawdeda ❤: Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnnn
Lawdeda ❤: Estelle "Want some Candy Little Dogs?"
Lawdeda ❤: Estelle "They're Behind me again aren't they?" She asks
Lawdeda ❤: The Vampoodles are relentless
Lawdeda ❤: Phew it worked
Lawdeda ❤: Estelle thinks, maybe if I just stay real still
Lawdeda ❤: And Plays dead
Lawdeda ❤: Estelle "Holy Crickey I AM Being Followed"
Lawdeda ❤: Estelle Turns around
Lawdeda ❤: Am I being Followed?
Lawdeda ❤: Halloween Has already Started In the Lawdeda Abode!
Lawdeda ❤: This house...
Lawdeda ❤: Adopt a Ghost
Lawdeda ❤: Stalked
Lawdeda ❤: Frankenweenie!!!!!
Lawdeda ❤: Yup, That happened.
Lawdeda ❤: Release the Hounds!
Lawdeda ❤: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Lawdeda ❤: Matchy Matchy
Lawdeda ❤: Maeko & VamFraken
Lawdeda ❤: Happy Halloween 2014
Lawdeda ❤: 3. "Hey Menace, have you seen Wednesday?"
Lawdeda ❤: 4. Hmm who shut this, its awfully heavy to close