Lawdeda ❤: Santina "Nanette Picked this out for me"
Lawdeda ❤: Santina "And I think She was Picking on me :*("
Lawdeda ❤: Santina "I get to go with you today, YAHOO!"
Lawdeda ❤: 197/365 Santina is trying a Skinny Scalp
Lawdeda ❤: Santina in the Blue Alpaca's
Lawdeda ❤: Santina in Blue <3
Lawdeda ❤: I could not resist the Silly hairdo
Lawdeda ❤: 198/365 Blue Alpaca Hairs
Lawdeda ❤: Santina ❤
Lawdeda ❤: WOW #1 is Not Hazie
Lawdeda ❤: 225/365 My Sweet Little Santina
Lawdeda ❤: I love her more every day <3
Lawdeda ❤: Look that Skully is like you :D
Lawdeda ❤: Santina "Ok if you say so"
Lawdeda ❤: Hot in Boots?
Lawdeda ❤: Sweetest
Lawdeda ❤: 225/365 Nanette "The offer still stands"
Lawdeda ❤: Santina got a little surprise today
Lawdeda ❤: Santina "MINE!"
Lawdeda ❤: Santina "I cant even Believe she is Mine!"
Lawdeda ❤: Hugs for her Dolly <3
Lawdeda ❤: 230/365 Santina & Little Sinny
Lawdeda ❤: Santina Wants to go to Europe
Lawdeda ❤: Santina Looks good in London
Lawdeda ❤: To Europe with her?
Lawdeda ❤: Awww Choices Must be Made
Lawdeda ❤: The Europe Clan Maybe?
Lawdeda ❤: Aww Poor Santina :(
Lawdeda ❤: Awwww Poor Santina