Lawdeda ♡: Valentine's eyes are WIDE open :D
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine with her New Boggled Eyes
Lawdeda ♡: Annie What do you think?
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "Hiya Mom :D Check me out :D"
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "And get this, That lady opened my head and she roughed me around and now my hair is a total mess :*("
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "But you still love me right even though my head is all nuts and my eyes hurt?"
Lawdeda ♡: I fixed her up just a touch
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "could you please quit messing with my head"
Lawdeda ♡: I added a touch of Blush :)
Lawdeda ♡: Another Rainy Morning :(
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine <3
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "Can I go HOME now? I miss my Mum"