Lawdeda ♡: Hop hop hop
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "UP UP and AWAYYYYY"
Lawdeda ♡: 98/365 Ella "Voila I am AIR BORN!"
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "Wait wait dont distract me"
Lawdeda ♡: Nanette "Come on, WHAT Is wrong with that girl?"
Lawdeda ♡: Nanette "Hi, So are you retarded?"
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "Thats not a very nice thing to say you know!"
Lawdeda ♡: Nanette "HEY its an HONEST question!"
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "NO I am NOT retarded"
Lawdeda ♡: Nanette "well you LOOK retarded"
Lawdeda ♡: Nanette "and whats with the Ear muffs Tard, Your Bunny ears are way up there"
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "These are my SUPER sound Earmuff super hearing super muffs :P"
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "Do I look like a moron to you :*("
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "why is she so mean :*("
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "I guess thats all the playing I feel like doing today :*("
Lawdeda ♡: Me "NANETTE WHY do you have to be so mean, You hurt her feelings!"
Lawdeda ♡: Nanette "Besides she is just pulling out the tears for sympathy"
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "OH MY GOODNESS is that Super Bunny Extraordinaire ???"
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "Oh my goodness are you Super Bunny Extraordinaire? Are you here to save the day?"
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "are you just messing with me :*("
Lawdeda ♡: Ella "well thank you for being so nice to me"
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "You dont have to thank me, I think you're Awesome"
Lawdeda ♡: Valentine "So this day needs saving, LETS go save it :D"