Lawdeda ♡: 1/365 Moneypenny Starts the New Year off in Style
Lawdeda ♡: 2/365 Nico is getting a bit of Change :D
Lawdeda ♡: 3/365 Aswell "can Saffron & I have one?"
Lawdeda ♡: 5/365 Nico's Little Makeover :)
Lawdeda ♡: 6/365 Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn
Lawdeda ♡: 7/365 Six is a dollie I just couldnt sell
Lawdeda ♡: 8/365 Saffron "do you think she will ever let us out of here?"
Lawdeda ♡: 9/365 Ollie <3
Lawdeda ♡: 10/365 Saffron "thanks for sharing this drink with me Aswell, it was very nice of you"
Lawdeda ♡: 11/365 Bunnyboo Barette :)
Lawdeda ♡: 12/365 Kiks in School
Lawdeda ♡: 13/366 Why are you so pink and pretty?
Lawdeda ♡: 14/365 Awww I just love her even if I dont take a zillion pix of her
Lawdeda ♡: 15/366 Moneypenny "A Dress and A Lollipop? thats IT?"
Lawdeda ♡: 16/365 Give me that case Poppy!
Lawdeda ♡: 17/365 Before Picture
Lawdeda ♡: 18/365 Rue "whats the deal man? Dont you miss taking pictures of me?"
Lawdeda ♡: 19/365 Balthazar "Mmmmmm COOOKKKIIIEEEESSSS"
Lawdeda ♡: 20/365 <3
Lawdeda ♡: 21/365 Fun with Heat :D
Lawdeda ♡: 22/365 Poppy seems to be hiding something
Lawdeda ♡: 23/365 Gemma "What the hell?"
Lawdeda ♡: 24/365 Femke Limeanaid
Lawdeda ♡: 25/365 Ione "If you just pay me a dollar for every picture you have taken of me so far I could buy us all bikes"
Lawdeda ♡: 26/365 Monique is very sweet
Lawdeda ♡: 27/365 Two Pix of Honeybuttons
Lawdeda ♡: 28/365 Little Artist Ione
Lawdeda ♡: 29/365 Playing at the red lights :D
Lawdeda ♡: 30/365 The Wig I got for Ethan on backwards looks like a Pompadour :D
Lawdeda ♡: 31/365 KEWPIE Curiousity