Lawdeda ♡: 275/366 Nanette gets suckered into YET another Halloween Costume!
Lawdeda ♡: Nellie "Now let me get a closer look"
Lawdeda ♡: Nanette "Did she fail to mention that she was the weirdest one?"
Lawdeda ♡: Nellie "Geesh she failed to mention how Sensitive you might be Geesh"
Lawdeda ♡: Nellie "real Friendly around here, real friendly"
Lawdeda ♡: Bogglicious
Lawdeda ♡: Nellie "Hi Mom, I can see!"
Lawdeda ♡: Nellie "Off to find something fun to do"
Lawdeda ♡: Nellie is Boggled and ready when you are ;)