lawatt: early morning aspen
lawatt: Gothic Mtn in full morning sunshine
lawatt: up valley
lawatt: virginia mine cabin, then and now
lawatt: rest stop
lawatt: broken log across our trail
lawatt: perfect light through the forest
lawatt: heading UP
lawatt: starting up the slope
lawatt: looking back down our trail, before the steepest part
lawatt: Mt CB and Gothic Mtn, from up here
lawatt: not quite to the top of Avery Peak — i’ve made it to the edge of the red rocky slope -- but so excited that i made it this far!!!
lawatt: the view north to Snowmass
lawatt: near the top of avery peak
lawatt: going up
lawatt: gratuitous selfie without hat and sunglasses
lawatt: me and Gothic Mtn
lawatt: Virginia Basin on the left, Mt CB in the distance
lawatt: CB to Gothic pano
lawatt: the highest i got on Avery Peak
lawatt: Avery has reddish-pink stone & is STEEP—amazing how quickly it drops away.
lawatt: looking south, White Rock peeking out from behind a sunlit ridge
lawatt: wind through the stunted spruces
lawatt: lone climber (high on the right)
lawatt: going up, coming down
lawatt: high-altitude spruce trees
lawatt: face of Avery
lawatt: Avery panorama
lawatt: Virginia Basin panorama
lawatt: sun and shade across the face