lawatha: 1377 Birdsong
lawatha: Big front yard - rolls around to a little culdesac
lawatha: Big driveway- plenty of room for company to park!
lawatha: Wide side yards on both sides of the house. This is the closest house, and there's something like 14 feet from the very back lanai edge of your house to the property line, Bill said. Plus whatever footage on their side.
lawatha: view from entry
lawatha: master shower tile
lawatha: Dual master sinks.
lawatha: master bath
lawatha: laundry room
lawatha: extra wide, extra deep
lawatha: beautiful lanai- big!
lawatha: wide open- and I don't think that's going to change, the way the house will be oriented behind you. You should have a straight view all the way through to that next street.
lawatha: Large back yard and side yard. Bird cage anyone?
lawatha: This is the closest to any neighbor- it's the house to the right. I say: shrubs!
lawatha: This is further away than it looks, really... but again, that's the closest house and a couple of shrubs will give you privacy.
lawatha: I think Bill wants that lanai!
lawatha: view from the front yard, looking north.
lawatha: View looking east,
lawatha: Can't even see it, why did I bother? This is the master closet. : )