LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
Leverage at Portland Art Museum
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
at rest in the Park across from the Portland Art Museum
LaValle PDX:
Coyote Brings Lunch
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
J. Stanley in His Housetruck
LaValle PDX:
Housetruck at Portland Art Museum
LaValle PDX:
J. Stanley in His Housetruck
LaValle PDX:
R. Crumb's Book of Genesis
LaValle PDX:
Old Masters
LaValle PDX:
Genesis on the Wall
LaValle PDX:
Portland Art Museum ~ Disquieted Coming Down
LaValle PDX:
Reading at the Portland Art Museum
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
Three of a Kind
LaValle PDX:
Always Connected
LaValle PDX:
Sun-like Sculpture
LaValle PDX:
Portals into the Art World
LaValle PDX:
Disquieted and Eliot Reflection
LaValle PDX:
Morning Light
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
Pink-Patterned Boots
LaValle PDX:
Coyote Ears
LaValle PDX:
Tree near Disquieted
LaValle PDX:
Light Reflections along the Streetcar Line
LaValle PDX:
Light Reflections along the Streetcar Line
LaValle PDX:
008 Streetcar