LaValle PDX:
Near the Museum Stop
LaValle PDX:
Pink Boots
LaValle PDX:
Sweeping the Sidewalk
LaValle PDX:
Safeway Corner
LaValle PDX:
Umpqua Corner
LaValle PDX:
Special Forces Heads to Safeway
LaValle PDX:
Elliot Tower
LaValle PDX:
Elliot Tower
LaValle PDX:
Reading at Portland Art Museum
LaValle PDX:
Afternoon at the Portland Art Museum
LaValle PDX:
Single Speed Bicycle
LaValle PDX:
Flying Squirrel ~ South Park Blocks
LaValle PDX:
South Park Blocks
LaValle PDX:
Reading in the South Park Blocks
LaValle PDX:
Another Ayn Rand
LaValle PDX:
The Great Plank Road ~ Plaque
LaValle PDX:
Back of the Plaque
LaValle PDX:
United Congregational Church ~ South Park Blocks