LaValle PDX:
Leaving Portland
LaValle PDX:
Last views of Mt. Hood
LaValle PDX:
Mount Hood from the East
LaValle PDX:
Amsterdam Airport
LaValle PDX:
Coffee mate ...
LaValle PDX:
Waiting for the M41 bus at Haupthbahnhof
LaValle PDX:
View from the bus...
LaValle PDX:
Bus waiting area...
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
Much green
LaValle PDX:
and sales
LaValle PDX:
busy intersection
LaValle PDX:
one of the streets on way to Kreuzberg
LaValle PDX:
interesting bus window reflection
LaValle PDX:
Off the bus heading to Dieffenbachstrasse
LaValle PDX:
House tour - living room
LaValle PDX:
House tour - dining, kitchen
LaValle PDX:
House tour - dining, kitchen
LaValle PDX:
The bedroom
LaValle PDX:
view from the kitchen
LaValle PDX:
Our intersection
LaValle PDX:
Out on a walk...
LaValle PDX:
We've been up for 25 hours or so...
LaValle PDX:
Bill spotted this...
LaValle PDX:
In the neighborhood
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
Puppy wasn't quite minding...
LaValle PDX:
LaValle PDX:
Turkish bazaar - Kreuzeberg
LaValle PDX:
Turkish bazaar - Kreuzeberg