Lava: Port
Lava: Oh Canada!
Lava: Arrival jeepney
Lava: Urchin extraction
Lava: A dinner song
Lava: shoving off
Lava: That's not a hummingbird....
Lava: high tide
Lava: hammock time
Lava: Our rides
Lava: Rice and Chocolate
Lava: Passing time...
Lava: Does this work?
Lava: Chillin
Lava: Rice fields
Lava: Best meal in the Philippines so far
Lava: Pulled over
Lava: Thanks for the lift
Lava: tarsier
Lava: Morning fishing session
Lava: Kids looking for money
Lava: Pizza party with class
Lava: Touch the purple not the brown
Lava: Ferry
Lava: Practicing our dying looks.
Lava: Not enough room to get us all
Lava: Boracay beach
Lava: Pedicure on the beach
Lava: Local boys