laurielabar: cooperative dragonfly 1
laurielabar: cooperative dragonfly 2
laurielabar: cooperative dragonfly 3
laurielabar: Tulip tree blossom
laurielabar: waterfall and pond
laurielabar: roses by the pond
laurielabar: early morning roses
laurielabar: rabbit by the path
laurielabar: sunrise, Wasatch mountains
laurielabar: Coming into the mountains
laurielabar: Wasatch mountains, near Sundance
laurielabar: Near Sundance, Timpanogos National Monument
laurielabar: penstamon and aspen
laurielabar: Hanging valley, Timpanogos National Monument
laurielabar: chopper in the smoke
laurielabar: Chopper dropping water
laurielabar: 103 degrees in full gear, digging a fire break
laurielabar: almost out on this side of the ridge
laurielabar: last drop of the day
laurielabar: the fire burns on
laurielabar: too close to home!
laurielabar: milkweed
laurielabar: wild flower
laurielabar: blue geraniums
laurielabar: Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus)
laurielabar: pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
laurielabar: blue damselflies
laurielabar: western grebes, encore
laurielabar: western grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis)
laurielabar: injured swallow (juvenile cliff swallow)