Lauri S Laurén: Kiltsi mõis 2
Lauri S Laurén: Kiltsi mõis 1
Lauri S Laurén: Se hetki, jonka tuijotimme - A Moment We Stared
Lauri S Laurén: Impression from Rummu Hill
Lauri S Laurén: Piilopirtti
Lauri S Laurén: In the Middle of Ogres
Lauri S Laurén: Head on the Wall II
Lauri S Laurén: Head on the Wall I
Lauri S Laurén: Pale Pieces
Lauri S Laurén: Labor Movement Wins - Rahuüritus voidap
Lauri S Laurén: Old Train Hall
Lauri S Laurén: Great Cow House of Laurila 2
Lauri S Laurén: Great Cow House of Laurila 1
Lauri S Laurén: Want to Swim?
Lauri S Laurén: Bush Beside the Wall
Lauri S Laurén: Edge of Blue Sky
Lauri S Laurén: Southern Wall
Lauri S Laurén: Window of the cowhouse
Lauri S Laurén: Cows Bewitched to Plastic
Lauri S Laurén: Silent village road
Lauri S Laurén: Two walls
Lauri S Laurén: Silent Room
Lauri S Laurén: Flovers of Laurila
Lauri S Laurén: Harmony Before a Crash
Lauri S Laurén: In the jail of trees
Lauri S Laurén: Room of warm spring light
Lauri S Laurén: Door to warm spring light
Lauri S Laurén: Blue room
Lauri S Laurén: Flower tapestry room