laurie mayes: BMW 320i Outside Banjul Football Stadium
laurie mayes: Near Banjul, The Gambia
laurie mayes: Perv in a Pool
laurie mayes: Near Banjul, The Gambia
laurie mayes: Police Motorcyclist, Near Banjul, The Gambia
laurie mayes: Near Banjul, The Gambia
laurie mayes: Near Banjul, The Gambia
laurie mayes: Supercar Parade
laurie mayes: Peugeot 205 Outside Banjul Footbal Stadium
laurie mayes: Banjul Football Stadium, The Gambia
laurie mayes: Mercedes 190
laurie mayes: Banjul Police
laurie mayes: Banjul Football Stadium, The Gambia
laurie mayes: Stranded BMW 520, Soma, The Gambia
laurie mayes: River Ferry, The Gambia
laurie mayes: River Ferry, The Gambia
laurie mayes: The Gambia