laurielou: Woman lighting candle at outdoor altar
laurielou: Flowers & candles everywhere
laurielou: A super-shiny one
laurielou: My personal's animatronic!
laurielou: Captive audience
laurielou: Our Lady of Sorrows
laurielou: Garden altar, private home
laurielou: Intricate sawdust work
laurielou: Public fountain turned into an altar
laurielou: Greedy boy
laurielou: Boy with prize
laurielou: Which leg matches my shirt?
laurielou: Souvenir hunters
laurielou: Score -- a lightly damaged papier mache arm
laurielou: Good score, girl -- and good fashion sense.
laurielou: Scramble for souvenirs
laurielou: Oops, I missed it.
laurielou: Witch hovers over the crowd
laurielou: She spins...
laurielou: BANG. (Good one).
laurielou: Here he goes...
laurielou: Lighting the second-to-last Judas
laurielou: Two more to go
laurielou: Smoke and colored paper everywhere
laurielou: The crowd awaits
laurielou: Cleanup crew
laurielou: Bang! It never gets old.
laurielou: There he goes...
laurielou: Official Judas-lighters on the job
laurielou: Young head hunter