laurielou: Trailhead
laurielou: Bamboo grove
laurielou: Early morning mist
laurielou: Wheeeeeee!
laurielou: Am I clipped on? Are you sure?
laurielou: Looking out over the canopy
laurielou: Heading back to town
laurielou: View from the treehouse
laurielou: View from the treehouse II
laurielou: Bokeo rainforest
laurielou: Harnessed
laurielou: Awake with the gibbons
laurielou: Penthouse seen from the zipline
laurielou: Sleeping with the Gibbons
laurielou: Laurie on the zipline
laurielou: Riverboat turning
laurielou: Our next houseboat?
laurielou: Fishing Boat
laurielou: Mekong morning
laurielou: Slow boat ride
laurielou: Slow boat down the Mekong
laurielou: Mekong landscape
laurielou: Curious bystanders
laurielou: Riverboat parking only
laurielou: Who ordered room service?