Laurie May Coyle: our living room. a little mess.
Laurie May Coyle: Spring in Pittsfield, MA
Laurie May Coyle: Spring in Pittsfield, MA
Laurie May Coyle: Spring in Pittsfield, MA
Laurie May Coyle: Spring in Pittsfield, MA
Laurie May Coyle: Spring in Pittsfield, MA
Laurie May Coyle: red-breasted sapsucker
Laurie May Coyle: mom's pansies
Laurie May Coyle: Johnnie and the doggies
Laurie May Coyle: apple blossoms, Richmond, MA
Laurie May Coyle: apple blossoms, Richmond, MA
Laurie May Coyle: apple blossoms, Richmond, MA
Laurie May Coyle: visiting mom's
Laurie May Coyle: Lilacs and Johnnie
Laurie May Coyle: Mick and stick
Laurie May Coyle: Mom and her lilacs
Laurie May Coyle: Jane through-the-viewfinder
Laurie May Coyle: trees, through-the-viewfinder
Laurie May Coyle: sleepy Happy
Laurie May Coyle: sleepy Jane
Laurie May Coyle: cosleeping
Laurie May Coyle: purple finch & indigo bunting
Laurie May Coyle: Goaties eating breakfast in the driveway
Laurie May Coyle: Goaties eating breakfast in the driveway
Laurie May Coyle: Goaties eating breakfast in the driveway
Laurie May Coyle: Goaties eating breakfast in the driveway
Laurie May Coyle: Goaties eating breakfast in the driveway
Laurie May Coyle: sleepy pups in sunshine
Laurie May Coyle: our house, early spring -- cleaning out
Laurie May Coyle: our house, early spring -- Lilac and Mickey