Laurie Pink: Laura draws a snake
Laurie Pink: Thinky Sj
Laurie Pink: IMG_5179
Laurie Pink: Cam you tell what it is yet?
Laurie Pink: Guest doodle
Laurie Pink: my swirly yellow crown
Laurie Pink: One hand drawing, one hand... pointing?
Laurie Pink: Photo op!
Laurie Pink: The hair, the hairrr
Laurie Pink: Pav paints smart-cashhh
Laurie Pink: I am licking the cake
Laurie Pink: Laura had fun at sketch city
Laurie Pink: Signed & sealed
Laurie Pink: Shmile!
Laurie Pink: Happy cake
Laurie Pink: Did you have fun at sketch city?
Laurie Pink: I had fun at sketch city!
Laurie Pink: Painty Pav
Laurie Pink: The fleshy sticky arms of Will
Laurie Pink: Gauky is as Gauky paints