Laurie Pink:
Me drawing a line.
Laurie Pink:
Me shifting position
Laurie Pink:
Harriet painting
Laurie Pink:
Lispensie's not-a-unicorn
Laurie Pink:
Tasha's tree plus owls
Laurie Pink:
An embellished owl
Laurie Pink:
We are Number One!
Laurie Pink:
People milling
Laurie Pink:
30DZ is unstoppable
Laurie Pink:
Big Green Affleck's Cat's sparkley star
Laurie Pink:
Good lord - it's full of doodles!
Laurie Pink:
My Big Green Magic Cat
Laurie Pink:
Big Green Magic Tail
Laurie Pink:
Signed & sealed
Laurie Pink:
30DZ all finished
Laurie Pink:
Big Green Cat detail
Laurie Pink:
Big Green Cat face close up
Laurie Pink:
30DZ is on the job
Laurie Pink:
good singer chap
Laurie Pink:
Hello Tasha!
Laurie Pink:
Beware of Limbo Dancers
Laurie Pink:
Big green afleck's cat loves the magic radiator.
Laurie Pink:
What does affleck's mean to you?