laurie.knight: Hoverfly egg on Crocosmia leaf
laurie.knight: Ocelli of small dung fly
laurie.knight: Mosquito Larva
laurie.knight: Mosquito Larva
laurie.knight: Soldier Fly
laurie.knight: Soldier Fly (Stratiomyidae)
laurie.knight: Soldier Fly
laurie.knight: Abdomen of fly
laurie.knight: Picture winged fly?
laurie.knight: Long-Legged Fly (Dolichopodidae)
laurie.knight: Mosquito Wings
laurie.knight: Mothfly
laurie.knight: Mothfly
laurie.knight: Mothfly Eye
laurie.knight: Moth fly wings
laurie.knight: Mothfly wing
laurie.knight: Mosquito wing at 40x
laurie.knight: Mosquito Wing at 40x
laurie.knight: Mosquito wing
laurie.knight: Mosquito wing
laurie.knight: Female Mosquito
laurie.knight: Fly, maybe fruit fly of some kind
laurie.knight: Unknown fly with parasitic mite
laurie.knight: Female Rhagionid
laurie.knight: Long legged fly eye
laurie.knight: Tachinidae - Siphona sp.
laurie.knight: Wing of Unknown small fly
laurie.knight: Long legged fly (Dolichopodidae)
laurie.knight: Long legged fly (Dolichopodidae)
laurie.knight: Long legged fly (Dolichopodidae)