laureskew: ++ a custom stamp design for the boxes. i love designing stuff like this. physical manifestation!
laureskew: and our even cuter table.
laureskew: our super cute boxes from when we catered a couple days ago.
laureskew: totally charmed by the jerk peacock #latergram
laureskew: one of the purdiest butterflies I ever did see.
laureskew: brand new flowers.
laureskew: crazy creeping bugs on one of our sunflowers.
laureskew: agave spikes.
laureskew: still life.
laureskew: it's cool and rainy and perfect outside right now. our little garden is a little heaven.
laureskew: welcome to twin peaks. i'll keep this forever.
laureskew: pretty purple flowered wild vines. anyone know what this is?
laureskew: sabores.
laureskew: my medication came in the neatest pharmacy bag ever.
laureskew: paper flower frenzy.
laureskew: speedwolf!
laureskew: the power of drinky crow compels you.
laureskew: lush rainy days, bluebonnets, and milk glass cabbages.
laureskew: mountain laurel blooming like mad.
laureskew: octopus friend hold my tea bag. he's a good helper.
laureskew: pagoda love!
laureskew: zzziiinnggg!
laureskew: something I found at work today, aka why I love my job.
laureskew: today's awesome 2nd hand find, courtesy of mr. @recspec!
laureskew: polanski dreams.
laureskew: favorite snack.
laureskew: foggy walks to steal some roadside rosemary for dinner. snip snip.
laureskew: what should we put in this awesome globe light? instead of aquarium plants. ha.
laureskew: the glamorous life.
laureskew: yay rooibos!