Laurent L.: Merry on Ferry
Laurent L.: Picking up ... stuff
Laurent L.: Sunset over Boston, Peddocks Island MA
Laurent L.: Sunset over Boston, Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Mary, Peddock Island
Laurent L.: Elisa and Vivian, Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Sunset over Boston from Peddocks Island, MA
Laurent L.: Sunset over Boston
Laurent L.: Full moon rise, Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Moon over old church, Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Moon reflection, Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Dawn, Peddock Island pier
Laurent L.: Sunrise on pebble beach, Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Pebble beach at dawn, Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Sunrise over Peddocks Island pier
Laurent L.: Church on the beach, Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Pier at Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Wake-up call, camping at Peddocks Island
Laurent L.: Awesome antlers