laurensh: Sundays equal cat photos.
laurensh: Finally bought a "real" desk chair...
laurensh: It's been 2:36 on my "Slapwatch...
laurensh: So now he has allergies, epilepsy...
laurensh: 322452651_426008420150101-29660-1jsiihk
laurensh: Changed the lightbulbs to 100w 5000k...
laurensh: 324311677_426008420150101-29660-1yhvh3f
laurensh: Finally got rid of all our firewood.
laurensh: Hot fires!
laurensh: We love leaves.
laurensh: Sometimes our toys can't cheer us up.
laurensh: LIAR!
laurensh: When they stole the stereo, they...
laurensh: Paw's in jail.
laurensh: 354134762_426008420150101-29660-blv3xr
laurensh: What we will do for oranges.
laurensh: Dogteef. (Which is also his rapper pseudonym.)
laurensh: 356228112_426008420150101-29660-17a229
laurensh: There's so much more where that...
laurensh: We were only gone for a...
laurensh: Oh. Yeah.
laurensh: My whole life right now...
laurensh: This is a thing that exists...
laurensh: 373533808_426008420150101-29660-17o5ush
laurensh: Warm and glowy.
laurensh: Best birthday present ever! Thanks @chomperhead...
laurensh: Brian makes the soup, Brian makes...
laurensh: Turkey noodle. It smells so good...
laurensh: I have learned how to bend...
laurensh: New name tag. Patches, ahoy!