lauren {elycerose}: "It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are still alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them."
lauren {elycerose}: tongue tied and twisted
lauren {elycerose}:
lauren {elycerose}: 240/365 ...she doesn't pay attention to the details of her life, but she sure can jump...
lauren {elycerose}: 232/365 Made it to Colorado without losing a child or my min
lauren {elycerose}: 231/365 meggy love
lauren {elycerose}: cindy in light
lauren {elycerose}: ...regret...
lauren {elycerose}: Exuberance!
lauren {elycerose}: Cindy doing her magic
lauren {elycerose}: before the bribery...
lauren {elycerose}: plum tree flowers
lauren {elycerose}: other side of the lens
lauren {elycerose}: little girl blue
lauren {elycerose}: 170/365 ...reflecting...
lauren {elycerose}: ...stillness...
lauren {elycerose}: 164/365 ...and she realizes memories are mutable, that the present touches upon them and constantly rearranges the shape they take...