laurenm83: valentine's day
laurenm83: valentine's day
laurenm83: ft. macon
laurenm83: my favorite picture
laurenm83: DSCF1422.JPG
laurenm83: beauty in black and white
laurenm83: staring up at the clouds
laurenm83: st. thomas
laurenm83: so many colors!
laurenm83: napkins
laurenm83: such a great shot
laurenm83: greek god?
laurenm83: 13 candles (and 1 to grow on)
laurenm83: "triple crown" show
laurenm83: stadium lights over DCI
laurenm83: the money shot
laurenm83: swimming by
laurenm83: gold and blue
laurenm83: fishing man
laurenm83: cut glass
laurenm83: toasting
laurenm83: catching the bubbles
laurenm83: courthouse
laurenm83: sitting in a row
laurenm83: fun with shutter speeds/roller coasters
laurenm83: sunset across the ridge
laurenm83: market house clock
laurenm83: my candle
laurenm83: old well in the sunset
laurenm83: gazebo (my favorite)