LaurenLolly: back garden
LaurenLolly: back garden 2
LaurenLolly: RIMG0057.JPG
LaurenLolly: RIMG0034.JPG
LaurenLolly: RIMG0003.JPG
LaurenLolly: Biggles in the veggie patch
LaurenLolly: Enkianthus flowers
LaurenLolly: Lily growing
LaurenLolly: Sweet pea buds
LaurenLolly: Rhodo "Fragrantissimum"
LaurenLolly: Rose bud (from a Moss rose)
LaurenLolly: Lots of thorns
LaurenLolly: Euphorbia "Fireglow"
LaurenLolly: Small radish seedlings
LaurenLolly: Corn seedling
LaurenLolly: Radishes growing
LaurenLolly: Lime green hosta
LaurenLolly: Moss rose bud detail
LaurenLolly: Dicentra spectabilis var alba
LaurenLolly: Lily mop-top
LaurenLolly: Plants emerging
LaurenLolly: Jasmine
LaurenLolly: Seedhead