laurenipsum: Fry's first howl in the new house
laurenipsum: Fry went to the vet. He didn't much like it.
laurenipsum: Fry went to the vet. He didn't much like it.
laurenipsum: Fry went to the vet. He didn't much like it.
laurenipsum: image
laurenipsum: Niçoise without the salade
laurenipsum: Corriente impasse
laurenipsum: My new roommates: three Pilgrim geese!
laurenipsum: Tamworths on pasture
laurenipsum: spacescout_logo_onblack (1)
laurenipsum: photo-10-11-12-13-14-15
laurenipsum: 32202-0
laurenipsum: yep, that's some cows.
laurenipsum: Hullo! this grass is tall
laurenipsum: Mama Corriente leads baby and everyone else in a parade around the field to check out the fence line
laurenipsum: Baby Corriente/Angus
laurenipsum: Mama Corriente
laurenipsum: We'll keep Red (in the middle) and breed her
laurenipsum: Mama Corriente
laurenipsum: Mama Corriente
laurenipsum: Go on, your buddies are all out there already
laurenipsum: Turkey club sandwich for dinner!
laurenipsum: Baby turkeys in the coop
laurenipsum: Turkeys have also learned how to roost
laurenipsum: And peas!
laurenipsum: And radishes!
laurenipsum: Strawberries are coming!
laurenipsum: One mama hen taught her babies how to sleep on the roost today
laurenipsum: The other mama hen knows that her babies still need to be under a warm lamp
laurenipsum: Some baby turkeys in a box that's too small