LaurenAllenPhotography: Compliments of Ashaun's crafty-ness.
LaurenAllenPhotography: I can't get enough photos of these
LaurenAllenPhotography: Branch likes 'em too
LaurenAllenPhotography: slideshow and banner of the kid's names
LaurenAllenPhotography: presents from Switch
LaurenAllenPhotography: snooze button
LaurenAllenPhotography: Mmmm cake balls
LaurenAllenPhotography: pre partying.
LaurenAllenPhotography: Ashaun designed these, I helped contruct :)
LaurenAllenPhotography: Ashaun designed these, I helped contruct :)
LaurenAllenPhotography: Ashaun designed these, I helped contruct :)
LaurenAllenPhotography: diaper cake that Kelsey made
LaurenAllenPhotography: Ashaun designed this!!