lauren3838 photography:
the higher the hair, the closer to God
lauren3838 photography:
Baltimore's Hon contestants 2007
lauren3838 photography:
Hons & crabcakes
lauren3838 photography:
Mobtown George
lauren3838 photography:
Baltimore's littlest Hons 2007
lauren3838 photography:
just a little hairspray
lauren3838 photography:
lots of hairspray
lauren3838 photography:
bowling for Pompei
lauren3838 photography:
Honfest 2007 shopping
lauren3838 photography:
cotton candy or high hair?
lauren3838 photography:
about to take the runway: Baltimore's Hon contest 2007
lauren3838 photography:
hon helps happy Hampdenites
lauren3838 photography:
"You gotche some gum there, hon?"
lauren3838 photography:
palm tree
lauren3838 photography:
oh, Christmas tree...
lauren3838 photography:
bright lights, little city
lauren3838 photography:
flamingo/reindeer hon
lauren3838 photography:
lauren3838 photography:
lauren3838 photography:
Fourth of July at my new house
lauren3838 photography:
Dave, Eoin, and Mary
lauren3838 photography:
Dave and Eoin
lauren3838 photography:
Sammy, my "new" kitty!
lauren3838 photography:
Sammy's closeup
lauren3838 photography:
Blind panda
lauren3838 photography:
Childhood has gone
lauren3838 photography:
lauren3838 photography:
lauren3838 photography:
lauren3838 photography: