Laurea: Ken and Lisa
Laurea: David and Nick
Laurea: We look like a sitcom
Laurea: More sitcom shots
Laurea: Parachute floater...soon to be us
Laurea: Burger icon at the Skydiving food stand
Laurea: David getting rigged
Laurea: red carpet stairs to plane
Laurea: Lisa getting rigged
Laurea: Me getting rigged
Laurea: Lisa getting moral support from Karen before the jump
Laurea: David and I
Laurea: Lisa and Ken
Laurea: plane we jumped from
Laurea: I can't even remember this part!
Laurea: I can't believe I am falling in the sky
Laurea: AGHHH!!!
Laurea: What is going onnnn
Laurea: Freaking out!
Laurea: When the parachute was released
Laurea: Landed!
Laurea: after the jump
Laurea: First tandem jump certificates
Laurea: Actual skydive pictures to follow...we should be getting them later this week!