This is how ice caves are formed. Wind carves out the bottom. This one was not quite developed yet. Kincardine, ON March 15, 2014
This is how ice caves are formed. Wind carves out the bottom. This one was not quite developed yet. Kincardine, ON March 15, 2014
This is how big the ice mounds are on Lake Huron near the shore. Kincardine, ON March 15, 2014
Over time, ice built up on the piers. Almost resembles an iceberg. Kincardine, ON March 15, 2014
Ice as far as the eye can see. Lake Huron was almost completely frozen this winter. Kincardine, ON March 15, 2014
Even a cold winter won't stop a Canadian from enjoying the beach. Kincardine, ON March 15, 2014
Lake Huron almost looks like Antarctica, minus the icebergs. Kincardine, ON March 15, 2014