laura*tm: sand shadows
laura*tm: Time to go......
laura*tm: White Sands Nat'l Monument - plant life
laura*tm: dune palm
laura*tm: yucca pod
laura*tm: Int'l UFO Museum & Research Center
laura*tm: aliens prefer coke
laura*tm: aliens welcome
laura*tm: Roswell Museum & Art Center
laura*tm: Artist: Georgia O'Keeffe
laura*tm: title: Rams Skull w/ Brown Leaves
laura*tm: title: Life and Death
laura*tm: Spirit of the Pioneer Woman
laura*tm: First Lady of Artesia, NM - Sallie Chisum
laura*tm: Heritage Walkway - Artesia, New Mexico
laura*tm: Heritage Walkway
laura*tm: Purple Prickly Pear Cactus
laura*tm: Up close w/ the Purple Prickly Pear
laura*tm: enroute - Pike's Peak
laura*tm: Home again & Happy Easter!
laura*tm: Open road