lpvhouse: dogs 010
lpvhouse: dogs 009
lpvhouse: dogs 008
lpvhouse: dogs 007
lpvhouse: dogs 006
lpvhouse: dogs 005
lpvhouse: dogs 003
lpvhouse: dogs 002
lpvhouse: dogs 001
lpvhouse: So, what's on the agenda for today? #dogsdaywork
lpvhouse: Ours dogs have it made. Best seat in the house:
lpvhouse: It doesn't look very comfortable, but he seems to like it.
lpvhouse: Real life pillow pet
lpvhouse: Watch dog!
lpvhouse: Working one-handed today because someone's curled up next to me
lpvhouse: Never mind her...PET ME!
lpvhouse: Always think I've found the perfect dog toy. 10 minutes later, I've got this.
lpvhouse: Saturday Morning Snuggle
lpvhouse: Saturday Morning Snuggle
lpvhouse: It's a dog's life
lpvhouse: I think someone missed me
lpvhouse: The dogs have the right idea I think. Hasta mañana!
lpvhouse: I have no idea how our dog sleeps like this
lpvhouse: New location for the afternoon shift
lpvhouse: My coworker for the day
lpvhouse: Who needs a teddy bear with a dog like this?
lpvhouse: Love Me
lpvhouse: Made it across the state line