Laura Prospero: Jardin des Tuileries #FIAC2011
Laura Prospero: Jardin des Tuileries #FIAC 2011
Laura Prospero: The Maze, the people want the fall of the regime - Moataz Nasr #FIAC 2011
Laura Prospero: The Maze, the people want the fall of the regime - Moataz Nasr #FIAC 2011
Laura Prospero: La somme des hypothèses - Vincent Mauger #FIAC2011
Laura Prospero: Poems for Earthlings - Adrián Villar Rojas #FIAC 2011
Laura Prospero: Jardin des Tuileries - Paris
Laura Prospero: Una misteriosa bola - Antoine Dorotte #FIAC2011
Laura Prospero: Another time - Anthony Gormley #FIAC2011
Laura Prospero: coucher de soleil - Jardin des Tuileries