LoulaM: Autumn leaf of loveliness
LoulaM: Autumn leaves
LoulaM: 11th October 2008 - Day 285
LoulaM: Jonny and Finn
LoulaM: Butterflies in the sun
LoulaM: Waterfall
LoulaM: Finlay having a massive strop
LoulaM: Yellow Autumn leaves
LoulaM: More leaves and blue sky
LoulaM: Jonny, brooding, whilst Finlay stropped.
LoulaM: Grass
LoulaM: Chimneys
LoulaM: I love all the different colours of trees
LoulaM: Red leaves
LoulaM: I liked the rainbow of these leaves - red to orange to yellow to green
LoulaM: Finn teaching himself to roll down the hill.
LoulaM: Lovely boy, post-strop
LoulaM: Our shadows (Finlay Big Head)
LoulaM: The boys and the hungry swan
LoulaM: Black swan
LoulaM: My boys