LoulaM: Northwick - door handle
LoulaM: Northwick - corner of room
LoulaM: Northwick
LoulaM: Northwick - Stalls
LoulaM: Northwick - The stage
LoulaM: Northwick - Henry looking at chandeliers
LoulaM: Northwick - Mum and Henry
LoulaM: Northwick - reflections of mirrors in a mirror
LoulaM: Northwick - Mum reflection
LoulaM: 23rd February 2008 - Day 54
LoulaM: Northwick - cigarette ends
LoulaM: Northwick - pretty chandelier
LoulaM: Northwick - very cool art deco statuettes
LoulaM: Northwick - mirror, mirror
LoulaM: Northwick - me, chandeliers, statuettes and mirrors
LoulaM: Northwick - stauettes