Laura-Meyers: Brown Pelican in flight
Laura-Meyers: Brown Pelican
Laura-Meyers: Double-crested Cormorant immature
Laura-Meyers: Brown Pelican
Laura-Meyers: Black Vulture
Laura-Meyers: Ospreys on nest
Laura-Meyers: White Ibis immature
Laura-Meyers: Snowy Egret in flight
Laura-Meyers: Brown Pelican in flght
Laura-Meyers: Laughing Gull
Laura-Meyers: Wood Stork and Brown Pelican
Laura-Meyers: Reddish Egret in flight
Laura-Meyers: Little Blue Heron
Laura-Meyers: Ringed-bill Gull
Laura-Meyers: Wood Stork
Laura-Meyers: Palm Warbler at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
Laura-Meyers: Osprey in flight
Laura-Meyers: Double-crested Cormorant Juvenile
Laura-Meyers: Brown Pelican
Laura-Meyers: Magnificent Frigatebird
Laura-Meyers: Yellow-throated Warbler
Laura-Meyers: American Crow
Laura-Meyers: Palm Warbler
Laura-Meyers: Brown Pelican Adult
Laura-Meyers: Little Blue Heron with Fish
Laura-Meyers: White Ibis with Fish
Laura-Meyers: Great Egret
Laura-Meyers: Double-crested Cormorant
Laura-Meyers: Wood Stork
Laura-Meyers: Semipalmated Plover