Laura-Meyers: Yellow Warbler on Branch
Laura-Meyers: Tree Swallows Mating
Laura-Meyers: Brown Thrasher Singing
Laura-Meyers: Northern Shoveler Pair in Flight
Laura-Meyers: Red-tailed Hawk in Flight
Laura-Meyers: Red-tailed Hawk in Flight
Laura-Meyers: Herring Gull Foraging Close-up
Laura-Meyers: Song Sparrow Foraging in Winter
Laura-Meyers: Merlin on Branch
Laura-Meyers: Brant in Flight
Laura-Meyers: Brant Foraging in the Snow
Laura-Meyers: Gull-billed Tern
Laura-Meyers: Double-crested Cormorant in Flight
Laura-Meyers: Osprey in Flight with Fish
Laura-Meyers: Eastern Towhee Female
Laura-Meyers: Great-crested Flycatcher
Laura-Meyers: American Crow in Flight
Laura-Meyers: American Crows in Flight
Laura-Meyers: Willow Flycatcher
Laura-Meyers: Osprey in Flight
Laura-Meyers: Yellow Warbler
Laura-Meyers: Snow Geese in Flight
Laura-Meyers: Bufflehead Female Landing
Laura-Meyers: Black-backed Gull Landing
Laura-Meyers: Horned Grebe Nonbreeding
Laura-Meyers: Northern Shoveler Male in Flight
Laura-Meyers: House Finch on Tree
Laura-Meyers: Cedar Waxwing
Laura-Meyers: Ruby-throated Hummingbird Female
Laura-Meyers: House Wren Singing