laura the artist:
A study of string and light
laura the artist:
La Guitarra
laura the artist:
Sharon Laughs
laura the artist:
Don't tell me your sorry with Roses
laura the artist:
Should we step on it?
laura the artist:
Hair Brained
laura the artist:
laura the artist:
Skater Boy
laura the artist:
Mi Cara sola en Negro y Blanco
laura the artist:
We still need our mamas...look past the stares of contempt and see our hearts
laura the artist:
The inner workings of teenage vanity
laura the artist:
My wooden children
laura the artist:
Gabby and Miguel
laura the artist:
Wait a minute...let me take a look at you.
laura the artist:
Street wear or what not to wear
laura the artist:
A very "beached" boat
laura the artist:
The Misty Moody Walk (in B&W)
laura the artist:
Within the circle of a LEGO universe
laura the artist:
Study of Light and Texture