Laura Knell: Dead Tree
Laura Knell: Shadow
Laura Knell: Buddy System
Laura Knell: Ripple Bark
Laura Knell: Hidey Hole
Laura Knell: Where the Mulch Things Grow
Laura Knell: Spike Tree
Laura Knell: Buddy System iii
Laura Knell: Cyclops Tree
Laura Knell: Here We Go Loop Dee Loo
Laura Knell: Up a Tree Brightly
Laura Knell: Pathway
Laura Knell: Palm Bark
Laura Knell: Twisted Trunks
Laura Knell: Australian Pine Bark
Laura Knell: Leafy Underbelly
Laura Knell: Banyan Tree with rooties
Laura Knell: Banyan Tree
Laura Knell: Dude with Branches
Laura Knell: Ripple Bark
Laura Knell: Trunks
Laura Knell: Tree Goes Chomp
Laura Knell: Wintertime Decay
Laura Knell: Peeling Bark
Laura Knell: Trees at Jim & Bonnie's
Laura Knell: Autumn Evening Leaves
Laura Knell: Trees Aglow