laura271GSD1: "Human, I know you have my toy."
laura271GSD1: "I’m not cold. Please don’t make me come inside."
laura271GSD1: Watching Martin.
laura271GSD1: "I have a new pink tag."
laura271GSD1: To paraphrase a friend: All I want to do is train dogs and burn things.
laura271GSD1: Archery 2
laura271GSD1: Archery 1 - Composition Fail
laura271GSD1: Archery 4 - The Outtake
laura271GSD1: Bosco: "I have self-control."
laura271GSD1: Hoar Frost Game
laura271GSD1: Two ball game.
laura271GSD1: Proprioception is for suckers. Part 1.
laura271GSD1: Waiting patiently.
laura271GSD1: Proprioception is for suckers. Part 2.
laura271GSD1: Zurück
laura271GSD1: Chin target combined with the zurück marker.
laura271GSD1: Proprioception is for suckers. Part 3.
laura271GSD1: Miss.
laura271GSD1: Does Bosco really understand the Da versus Zurück markers?
laura271GSD1: The Conversation
laura271GSD1: "Catch."
laura271GSD1: Early Morning Walk - Part 2
laura271GSD1: Front with a chin target.
laura271GSD1: "Mine." - Part 2
laura271GSD1: Martin & Bosco in Ferintosh, Alberta
laura271GSD1: Beautiful afternoon for a walk.
laura271GSD1: "I'm just going to lurk here as you hang out the laundry."
laura271GSD1: Platz.
laura271GSD1: Bosco's Gaze in My Photography
laura271GSD1: "Hanging out with my little buddy on the tailgate of my truck. Life is pretty sweet."