laura271GSD1: Senta testing out the new PVC jump that Martin built. She loves to jump!
laura271GSD1: Martin working with Bosco on his counter clockwise fly.
laura271GSD1: The counter clockwise fly is still very new for Bosco so Martin hasn’t added any distance yet.
laura271GSD1: Thru (or Mittels)
laura271GSD1: Martin working on Bosco's counter clockwise fly.
laura271GSD1: This photo made us laugh out loud- it’s just so Bosco.
laura271GSD1: Learning the Reverse Fly
laura271GSD1: Learning the Reverse Fly from a Down - Part 2
laura271GSD1: Learning the Reverse Fly from a Down - Part 1
laura271GSD1: Heim practice shot from a fun angle.
laura271GSD1: First time practicing the heim exercise outside.
laura271GSD1: Taking advantage of the unexpected “warm” weather to practice some flies outside.
laura271GSD1: Fly from Senta's Perspective.
laura271GSD1: Food rewards don't have to be boring. Part 2.
laura271GSD1: Food rewards don't have to be boring. Part 1.