OnceAndFutureLaura: mmm, hibachi
OnceAndFutureLaura: nom nom nom
OnceAndFutureLaura: That was pretty good
OnceAndFutureLaura: Do I like eating lawn chairs?
OnceAndFutureLaura: I think I like lawn chairs
OnceAndFutureLaura: Tire. Hm. Do I like tires?
OnceAndFutureLaura: I think I like tires.
OnceAndFutureLaura: Hey, this thing's portable!
OnceAndFutureLaura: My tire!
OnceAndFutureLaura: Wonder if the lawn chair tastes good on a hibachi?
OnceAndFutureLaura: what's this then?
OnceAndFutureLaura: hm. Should I enter the tent?
OnceAndFutureLaura: mmm, nap time.
OnceAndFutureLaura: Oh, tents *taste* good.
OnceAndFutureLaura: very good.
OnceAndFutureLaura: Do I dare go in?
OnceAndFutureLaura: Hey, it's my tongue!
OnceAndFutureLaura: What's this then?
OnceAndFutureLaura: Hrm. Where's the soft underbelly?
OnceAndFutureLaura: poke poke poke
OnceAndFutureLaura: hurm. I'll try that again later.
OnceAndFutureLaura: Hey, tent! wonder if there's tasty things in there
OnceAndFutureLaura: (frelling bear proof container)
OnceAndFutureLaura: Maybe it'll open if I carry it around.
OnceAndFutureLaura: carry it and *squish* it.
OnceAndFutureLaura: Now I shall whap it.
OnceAndFutureLaura: Ooh, bear proof food cache.
OnceAndFutureLaura: Is it a trap?