launshae: "hear ye, hear ye! today shall be the day of all play and no work! all pink without a wink!"
launshae: feels like heaven at the lovely lolita meet! thanks so much for letting us join in the teaparty : )
launshae: because looking pretty is so much easier by the window : )
launshae: lol-it-a blythe, isn't it? : )
launshae: charmed
launshae: plastic romance
launshae: oh so comfy in pink lolita heaven
launshae: we do so love your lolita shoesies
launshae: let's have a balooney ball : )
launshae: thinking wonderful beneath the bonsai tree
launshae: have a wonderful day :)
launshae: good morning pinkchids
launshae: The environment is in us, not outside of us.
launshae: thank you Caramelaw ! :)
launshae: gulamelaka
launshae: waiter please!
launshae: parfait parade
launshae: pink <3 green
launshae: thank you for coming with me
launshae: thank you for the lovely day
launshae: ice-cream, anyone?
launshae: may your holidays be touched by magic!
launshae: window to my world
launshae: parfait's been on a journey...
launshae: listening to textures...
launshae: a journey... to where emerald grows on walls...
launshae: feeling their whispers...
launshae: a journey...
launshae: a journey...
launshae: parfee parfait parfoe parfum