marystriby: Children in the Park
marystriby: View in the national park
marystriby: Where is that lake?
marystriby: Stairs leading up the grass mountain
marystriby: Checking out the ground water
marystriby: The water's a bit warm
marystriby: Here the water's boiling.
marystriby: Mountain top
marystriby: Sulfer deposits
marystriby: Smelly sulfer deposits
marystriby: sulfer deposits at the top of the mountain
marystriby: sulfer deposits at the top of the mountain
marystriby: I was worried my hair was going to smell like sulfer
marystriby: Hiking down a bit from the mountain
marystriby: Where are we?
marystriby: Trails up the mountain
marystriby: DSC00249
marystriby: I'm taking a picture
marystriby: Going to check the water temperature
marystriby: With the grass mountain behind me
marystriby: Child with pigeons
marystriby: The pigeons are not afraid
marystriby: At Wisteria tea house
marystriby: In the tea house
marystriby: Eric serves the tea
marystriby: Yvette, Jerome, and the Hot Pot
marystriby: With the damper and the damper baby
marystriby: Damper baby!
marystriby: Check out the damper
marystriby: Eric with the damper