Latin_drummer: The Claude Monnet pond
Latin_drummer: The Claude Monnet house
Latin_drummer: The Vexin valley with the Seine river
Latin_drummer: private property....
Latin_drummer: The Vexin valley with the Seine river
Latin_drummer: The Japanese bridge
Latin_drummer: The Vexin valley with the Seine river
Latin_drummer: The restaurant
Latin_drummer: Miammmmmm !!
Latin_drummer: The Claude Monnet pond
Latin_drummer: The joke...
Latin_drummer: The Joke...
Latin_drummer: Old French car shoted by my son
Latin_drummer: private property
Latin_drummer: The Z band
Latin_drummer: The free parrot !!
Latin_drummer: Nice view !!
Latin_drummer: "Moulinsart Tintin Castle" in Cheverny City.
Latin_drummer: The joke !!
Latin_drummer: A Castle in the Vexin valley
Latin_drummer: Rendez vous...
Latin_drummer: Melvin in front of the Tintin castle.. (The Moulinsart castle in the BD)
Latin_drummer: The Claude Monnet house
Latin_drummer: The Claude Monnet house